Wednesday, February 13, 2013

WIPpet Wednesday

Following the lead from my good friend Kate Frost, I've decided to showcase the first 13 lines of my current work in progress - as it's the 13th today - in line with the WIPpet Wednesday rules.  WIP stands for work in progress and the idea is to post a section of your current work in relation to the date.  So here they are:

‘That’s the last of them.’ Melissa looked at her friend with a relieved expression on her face.  Anna grinned back.
      ‘I’m so glad you’re staying,’ she said.  ‘It’s been pretty awful really.’
       Melissa put an arm around her shoulder and squeezed.  ‘Well it’s all in the past now.  It’s a new start for both of us.’
       Anna nodded and followed Melissa from the hallway full to the brim with suitcases and bags into the relative tidiness of her front room.  The world is your oyster, she told herself.  Or the oyster is your world as Elliot used to say.  Elliot.  She frowned. 

The story is as yet untitled, but it's going well.  I've done well over 7000 words since the middle of January, so I'm pleased!  I think things like WIPpet Wednesday are great opportunities to show each other work that we're in the middle of, to share ideas and to encourage each other.  I hope your work is coming along well too - but even if it's not, don't be afraid to share your vision of how you would like your writing to be.


  1. Ooh, who's Elliot? I can't believe you've written 7000 words already in just 4 weeks - that's good going! It's great to share our writing. I'm glad you've joined in. :-)

  2. What? No "follow by email" button for non-blogspoters? *sniff* How am I supposed to keep up with your WIPpets?
