Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday's Children

Well this is my first Thursday's Children blog entry to talk about
what inspires me to write.  Other people inspire me in many ways.  I guess I've always been very much a people person - it's a bit of a cliche but it's true.  I'm interested in other people, what makes them tick, their worries and fears, their sorrows and joys.  When I'm out and about (usually on the bus!) I find myself looking at other people, registering their features and expressions.  Mind you I tend not to do this too much - people don't like being stared at, myself included!!

But I do find that people who I come in to contact with inspire me to a certain extent when I'm writing.  I don't present a carbon copy of people I know in my work, but I do draw elements of their personalities into the characters in my stories.  I think this is inevitable as a writer - you're always going to bring aspects of people you've met in your life into your writing.

thurschilbadgejpgEvents that have taken place in my life have inpsired me too.  I won't go into details, but a story I abandoned some years ago was semi-autobiographical.  I would like to return to it at some stage, as although it is personal, I feel the story needs to be told and I'd like to revamp and improve it.

I'd be interested to know what inspires you too.

Here's the linky if you want to join in with Thursday's Children.


  1. I do love to people watch - subtlety, of course. It's great for helping with facial expressions and other body language. So glad you joined us! :)

  2. Ditto the people-watching (spent HOURS doing that when I lived in Boston riding public transportation) and the "glad you joined us"). People I know, myself included, definitely end up in my work. Hopefully as fairly unrecognizable...

  3. I like to observe people too. They're all interesting and well worth studying. :)

  4. People watching is definitely a great source of inspiration. That's why I like writing in cafes (or outdoors when the weather is decent) because if I get stuck it's quite easy to be inspired by the people around and the surroundings. :)

  5. Hehe... I'm sure the characters that you meet (or see) on that bus are excellent fodder for your stories. There is something inspiring about the motley crew that a bus brings together — who are they? Where are they from? Where are they going?

    Just don't stare too hard!

    Thanks for joining us this week, and hope to see you back next week, too!


  6. Thanks for all the comments. I really appreciate having your thoughts. :o)

  7. It's the not staring thing I have to work on, especially if someone has an interesting face... if they only knew the life I was imagining for them!

  8. Hope you'll join us again this week for Thursday's Children :)

  9. Hi Rhiann. Yes I will take part in Thursday's Children but via my new blog Hope to share ideas soon.

  10. I'm a people watcher too! In fact, sometimes a writer friend and I sit in the cafe in Barnes & Noble and do a writing exercise. We each point out (inconspicuously) a person, and just by observing them, we make up a story about their lives. It's fun!

  11. Hi Michale. Yes people watching is a lot of fun - at least until you're rumbled and people start frowning at you!! By the way I will be using a new blog from now on: so I'll be using that for Thursday's Children tommorow.
