Thursday, October 4, 2012

It's coming together!!

Just done my first print out of my novel.  I know it's only A4 paper but it still feels great to see it printed out.  I feel a real sense of achievement.  I do have some insecurities about my novel - who doesn't? - the main one being that it's not long enough for an adult novel - less than 50,000 words.

But I reckon I can maybe expand it if need be and I think that for me personally it's better to get it finished, to get all my ideas down and then maybe see about tweaking it further at some point in the future.  What do you guys think?  Maybe you could let me know...

In the meantime, I've had an idea for my next novel which I can start planning soon.  Watch this space!


  1. Elaine, this is exactly how I do my writing - get the complete story down first then go back and work on it. Don't worry about the length of the novel. There seems to be a trend for shorter novels - especially in e-book format. If your word count isn't enough then think about making the story deeper, not longer (put more detail in as opposed to adding more story)

  2. Hi Chris. What you've said is so helpful! I think you're right - it's the story itself that's important rather than the length. I feel in a way that I've said what I wanted to say in the story. But who knows what it'll be like in the final version??
