Saturday, November 17, 2012


I don't know about you but I tend to oscillate between feeling good about my novel and what I've written, and being very insecure!

Generally when my story is on the screen in front of me and I'm working on it, I'm fairly confident that what I'm writing is pretty good and readable.  I feel fine about it.

But often, especially lying in bed at night, I become plagued with insecurities about my novel.  I worry that it's too far fetched to be believable, that it's too short , possibly too simplistic in style for an adult novel and that I haven't got the sex scene right!

I guess most authors probably have similar feelings sometimes.  Perhaps it's how we respond to these feelings that can make or break us.  For myself, I'm just continuing to edit my novel, trying to make it the best that I can.  I think for me part of the problem is that no one's really seen what I've written so far.  Some people have read the opening chapters (via the novel-sharing website) and my husband looked at part of it for me, but that's about it. 

So I'm a bit unsure of how it rates as a story, how well written it is and whether people will actually be bothered to read it.

I guess to use an age old saying, the proof of the pudding is in the eating:  once I self publish and promote it I'll see what the response is!

Do any of you struggle with insecurities about your work?  I'd be interested to hear.


  1. I think all writers suffer from this lack of self-belief at times. I've touched on it today in my own blog too:

    Good luck with the writing!


  2. Thanks for that Matthew that's really helpful. It's good to know I'm not the only author out there with insecurities! I hope your writing is going well too.

